Browsing by Author Jehan Bakht

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-07-02Antinociceptive, antimicrobial potential and phytochemical screening of different solvent extracted samples from the stem of Acer pentapomicumKhan, Shehla; Jehan Bakht; Mohammad Shafi
2017-09-09Fractionation of crude extracts from controlled dried and commercially available stem bark of Juglans regia and their antimicrobial effectsJehan Bakht; Sobia Khan; Mohammad Shafi; Arshad Iqbal
2019-07-20GC-MS analysis of bioactive compounds present in medicinally important Periploca hydaspidisRafi Ullah; Jehan Bakht; Muhammad Raza Shah
2018-09-27GC-MS profile of bioactive compounds from medicinally important Periploca hydaspidisRafi Ullah; Jehan Bakht; Mohammad Shafi; Muhammad Raza Shah
2018-07-20Green synthesis and characterization of silver nano-particles from pharmaceutically important Periploca hydaspidis and their biological activityRafi Ullah; Jehan Bakht; Shah, Muhammad Raza
2018-09-10Impact of different solvent extracts from leaves and fruits of Eucalyptus globulus on growth of different bacteria and fungiJehan Bakht; Saman Farid; Saman Farid; Mohammad Shaf
2018-11-29In vitro antibacterial activity and phyto-chemistry of samples from the roots of Viola pilosaMaria Khan Panni; Jehan Bakht
2017-07-20In vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities of different solvent extracted samples from the stem of Euphorbia heliscopiaJehan Bakht; Faiza; Mohammad Shafi; Arshad Iqbal
2018-05-16Phytochemical analysis, phytotoxic and insecticidal activities of medicinally important Periploca hydaspidisRafi Ullah; Jehan Bakht; Mohammad Shaf
2014-07-29REPORT Antimicrobial potentials of Mentha longifolia by disc diffusion methodJehan Bakht; Salma Shaheen; Mohammad Shafi