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Authors: Hashmi, Muhammad Usman
Keywords: Applied Sciences
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Iqra University, Islamabad Campus
Abstract: Accomplishing synchronized time remains an essential task for most disseminated networks. Time synchronization obliges an exceptional blend of high precision and energy efficiency. A few application layer protocols have been proposed to meet these necessities. This research work endorse that the symbol timing recuperation procedure can give application layer clock skew estimate and the application layer clock can be amended with the assistance of this estimate. This cross layer methodology diminishes the quantity of message trades needed by application layer for time synchronization which stimulates energy preservation. It contends that such a cross layer methodology can give a more exact skew estimation, or on the other hand can accomplish more noteworthy energy efficiency, for a given precision, by diminishing the message trades. Examination of proposed strategy, simulation results, experimentation outcomes and mathematical analysis demonstrates that physical layer clock skew can be utilized to adjust application layer clock skew as they are derived from hardware clock within the node. Analysis of proposed method provides concrete bounds on achieved improvement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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