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dc.contributor.authorShah, Syed Asif Ali-
dc.description.abstractThis study is an endeavor to explore the factors behind poor performance in the manufacturing sector (discrete/engineering sector) in particular and miscellaneous industry in general of Pakistan. Through this study, author has attempted to suggest a policy framework and development of the expert system that will improve the day to day manufacturing operations of an organization. A coherent search of literature and cohesive exploration of data from repository of GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), Economic Survey of Pakistan etc. and other published literature reveal that poor growth rate of manufacturing sector and its dismal contribution to the GDP (Gross domestic product ) is due to the lack of adopting modern manufacturing techniques at organization level. Japanese techniques (JTs) like JIT, 5S, Kaizen, Quality Circle, TPM, Poka-Yoke, zero defect, cellular manufacturing and work improvement teams, have been adopted/implemented by manufacturing organizations in good numbers, worldwide to improve their competitiveness and performance. The nature and degree of success through the use of the above techniques has, however, been nations’ specific in general. The study also provides insight about the experience of Pakistani industry regarding the implementation of JTs. A structured instrument (questionnaire) containing both closed and open-ended questions were used for collecting the critical information. The collected data is subjected to descriptive analysis, hypothesis testing, and co-relation analysis. Besides, elucidating general information about implementation of JTs namely, post implementation ages, status of implementation, effectiveness, triggers prompting to adopt JTs and factors facilitating implementation of JTs. The investigation explodes the significant relations between various outcomes, benefits and specific techniques such as JTs. Thus the proposed expert system enables both the user and the policy maker to suggest specific technique(s) to address particular sicknesses of the industry in order to obtain desired outcome/benefit. Based on the significance of the relationships between techniques and effects, a frame work of the remedial policy has been put forth. The work forms a basis for regional and cluster specific research in future.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHigher Education Commission, Pakistanen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Engineering & Technology, Peshawaren_US
dc.subjectMechanical Manufacturingen_US
dc.titleIntegrated Approach for Policy Framework of Efficient Operations in Manufacturing Sector using AI Techniquesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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