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Title: Analysis of Emergency Medical Response Service in Peshawarthrough Simulation
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Emergency Medical Response Service
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2019
Publisher: Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro Pakistan
Abstract: EMRS (Emergency Medical Response Service) is the public safety system that is responsible for theinitial first aid and transportation of the patient to the hospital. Providing a timely response to anyemergency situation is of critical nature and needs to be addressed in the shortest possible time.Decreasing the response to an emergency site and timely pre-hospitalization care location identificationand number of emergency response personnel and vehicles are some of the critical elements of EMRS. Inthis research, a probabilistic model is developed which incorporates the probabilistic response to anyemergency situation. The developed model was applied to an actual scenario of the EMRS in the city ofPeshawar, Pakistan. The EMRS has 7 locations covering 7 different regions of the city covering morethan 1200 square kilometers area. The main purpose of the study is to measure the quality of EMRS onthe basis of response time and queue. The study has identified that station 1 and 2 have the highestutilization; 58% each, while station 7 has the lowest utilization at 13.7%. Since the emergency care atthe site of incidence is one of the primary responsibilities of the public safety organizations so this studyalso discusses the average instantaneous utilization of EMRS resources for that region.
ISSN: 0254-7821
Appears in Collections:Journals

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