Browsing by Author Bakht, Jehan

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-09-17Anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and analgesic activities of Tamarix dioicaIqbal, Arshad; Ud Din2, Siraj; Bakht, Jehan; Ullah Khan, Inam; Shah, Zamarud
2020-03-16Antibacterial activity of the crude extracts from medicinally important Thuja occidentalisBakht, Jehan; Zafar, Zobia; Ahmad, Jawad; Khan, Shehla
2020-01-04Antimicrobial activity of different solvent extracted samples from the leaves and fruits of Capsicum annuumBakht, Jehan; Noor, Nimra; Iqbal, Arshad; Shafi, Mohammad
2019-05-26Bioinspired synthesis and characterization of gold nano-particles from medicinally important Periploca hydaspidis and their in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activityUllah, Rafi; Bakht, Jehan; Shah, Muhammad Raza; Shafi, Mohammad
2019-01-25Effect of different solvent extracted samples from the leaves and fruits of Datura stramonium on the growth of bacteria and fungiBakht, Jehan; Qureshi, Maryam; Iqbal, Arshad; Shafi, Mohammad
2016-01-20In vitro activity of antimicrobial agents against streptococcus pyogenes isolated from different regions of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa PakistanRizwan, Muhammad; Bakht, Jehan; Bacha, Nafees; Ahmad, Bashir
2018-11In vitro antibacterial activity and phyto-chemistry of samples from the roots of Viola pilosaPanni, Maria Khan; Bakht, Jehan
2016-01-20In vitro antimicrobial activities of different solvent extracted samples from Iris germinicaUzair, Amjed; Bakht, Jehan; Iqbal, Arshad; Naveed, Khalid; Ali, Naushad
2019-03-06In vitro antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysis of different solvent extracted samples from medicinally important Litsea glutinosaBakht, Jehan; Farooq, Muhammad; Iqbal, Arshad
2018-01-20Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of different solvent extracted samples of Arisaema jacquemontiiIqbal, Madiha; Bakht, Jehan; Shafi, Muhammad
2017-10-05Screening of medicinally important Berberis lyceum for their antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion assayBakht, Jehan; Iftikhar, Zainab; Shafi, Mohammad; Iqbal, Arshad
2017-09-14Synthesis of secondary metabolites by Cladosporium resinae (NRL6437) under different growth media and chemical inducers and their pharmaceutical activityAli Khan, Abid; Bacha, Nafees; Ahmad, Bashir; Bakht, Jehan; Lutfullah, Ghosia; Ali, Johar