Browsing by Author Huma Ali

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-09-18Assessment of killing kinetics assay and bactericidal mechanism of crude methanolic bark extract of Casuarina equisetifoliaYousra Shafiq; Syed Baqir Shyum Naqvi; Ghazala H Rizwani; Tanveer Abbas; Huma Sharif; Huma Ali; Muhammad Arif Asghar; Rabia Bushra; Farya Zafar; Saima Abdein; Ambreen Huma
2018-07-04Biowaiver studies of newly optimized meloxicam tabletsFarya Zafar; Khan, Sohail; Huma Ali; Shabana N. Shah; Rabia Bushra; Ghazala Raza Naqvi; Kashif Maroof; Khan, Maqsood Ahmed; Zeb un Nisa
2018-09-08Development and optimization of intermediate release ketoprofen tablets by central composite designFarya Zafar; Muhammad Harris Shoaib; Rabia Ismail Yousuf; Huma Ali; Rabia Bushra
2018-05-02Development and validation of RP- HPLC method with UV detection to determine and quantify dimenhydrinate in human plasmaZeb-un-nisa; Muhammad Harris Shoaib; Syed Imran Ali; Mehwish Rizvi; Huma Ali; Rasheeda Fatima; Khan, Maqsood Ahmed; Sadia Suri Kashif
2018-09-20Dexibuprofen: Statistical assessment of drug release kinetics and investigative quality perspectiveAnas M Hanif; Ali Akbar Sial; Huma Ali; Farya Zafar; Mirza Tasawar Baig; Rabia Bushra; Khan, Maqsood Ahmed; Amber Nawab; Omer Mustapha; Shumaila Shafique
2018-03-14Drug utilization and prescribing pattern of antibiotics in a tertiary care setups; trends and practicesHuma Ali; Farya Zafar; Shazia Alam; Anwar Ejaz Beg; Rabia Bushra; Ammara Manzoor; Ghazala R Naqvi; Riffat Yasmeen; Yousra Shafiq; Anum Tariq; Saba Zubair; Saima Saleem
2018-03-07Effects of superdisintegrants in oral dissolving formulation of cinitapride tabletsAtta-Ur-Rehman; Rabia Bushra; Anwar Ejaz Beg; Huma Ali; Farya Zafar; Maria Ashfaq; Shazia Alam; Omer Mustapha; Shumaila Shafique
2018-01-20Estimation of simvastatin and cetirizine by RP-LC method: Application to freeze and thaw (FT) stability studiesNaveed, Safila; Khan, Usman Ghani; Aisha Sana; Huma Ali; Farya Zafar; Fatima Qamar; Ghulam Sarwer; Sarah Abbas; Alam, M Tanweer; Shinwari, Muhammad Ibrar
2018-03-11Incidence of drug interactions in intensive care units in tertiary care settings: Classification, facts and measuresHina Hasnain; Huma Ali; Farya Zafar; Ali Akbar Sial; Shazia Alam; Anwar Ejaz Beg; Rabia Bushra; Mehwish Rizvi; Khan, Maqsood Ahmed; Huma Shareef; Ghazala R Naqvi; Anum Tariq
2018-05-10Out of pocket (OOP) cost of treating hypertension in Karachi, PakistanNousheen Aslam; Muhammad Harris Shoaib; Rabia Bushra; Faraz Ahmed Farooqi; Farya Zafar; Huma Ali; Saima Saleem
2017-07-20Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies of fast dispersible ketoprofen tablets in healthy volunteersFarya Zafar; Shoaib, Muhammad Harris; Yousuf, Rabia Ismail; Huma Ali; Rabia Bushra